www.permacultureregistry.com - Permaculture Registry

Posted by: Sally Sampledesigner on 03/19/2016

The Principles of Permaculture - Sample Article Post 3

The Principles of Permaculture - Sample Article Post 3

Permaculture practices applied to your yard and garden will save you time and money. Let nature work for you and enjoy the benefits. Permaculture gardening needs some thought before you can start. The first step is to figure out exactly what a permaculture garden means to you, and what you expect from it. You need to know what you want to create before you can start, at least some basic ideal.

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When a permaculture garden is designed properly it will save you time and money. These are the two biggest reasons that have most of us reluctant about starting a new project. Taking the time to plan is the most important step.

The first part of your planning stage you will need to determine how your yard fits into the existing environment around it. Once you have this figured out, let nature work for you. Any garden that is designed with permaculture principles emulate patterns that occur naturally in nature. All you need to do is to decide on what degree of these principles you want to incorporate into your garden design.

Your choice of garden size will in part dictate the scale of the project, and the best thing about this is that it can be anything from a balcony garden to a full landscaped yard. Permaculture principles can even be a section of a traditional garden, with just a few features. Just as any new method of gardening, it is best to start out small and expand once you get comfortable with your gardening experiences.

Once you have chosen on a size of your new garden, it is time to decide on what principles, and the degree of these principles you want to incorporate. These principles all emulate nature. Soil preservation, rebuilding soil, companion planting, plant stacking, succession planting, edge effect, micro-climate, vertical gardening, water gardens, mono-cultures, and poly-cultures can all have their place in a permaculture garden.

Nature is all about biodiversity, and it is very important to incorporate diversity when designing a permaculture garden in your yard. The proper range of plants mixed together, in the proper combination that can support each other in growth, and to increase productivity is what will create a successful garden.

Permaculture gardening can be a very enjoyable, and rewarding experience, as well as a learning experience at the same time. Watch and learn from nature in the existing environment around your yard, and benefit from it.

A environment friendly and healthy way of gardening. Organic Gardening is away of gardening in harmony with nature. Growing a healthy and productive crop in a way that is healthier for both you and the environment [http://www.organicheirloomgardening.com/waterandsoil.html].

John Yazo


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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Yazo/141561

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